QUWA Koroneiki Hemp Infused EVOO

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Koroneiki Hemp Infused Olive Oil Review

Greek koroneiki and hemp oil from Colorado are blended to create a flavourful infusion. With bright notes of green tea, aromatic herbs, arugula and black pepper.

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Oil type : Infused Olive Oil

Certified organic olive oils use organically grown olives and meet organic production standards for their region. Extra virgin olive oil is the highest quality olive oil. By definition it must have some fruity flavor, zero defects, free fatty acid level below 0.8%, and be derived by cold extraction below 27°C ~ 80°F.

Cultivars : Koroneiki

There are hundreds of olive tree varieties, each with its own distinct taste and aromas.

Intensity : Medium Robust

Intensity correlates to the amount of bitterness and/or pungency experienced when consuming an extra virgin olive oil. An olive oil with little bitterness that creates little to no sensation in the back of the throat is considered mild. A very bitter olive oil that causes a slight burning or spicy sensation in the mouth and throat is robust. We rate intensity between 5 values: Mild, Medium, Medium Robust, Robust and Extreme.

Harvest Date : November 2023

As a fresh food product, properly stored olive oil should be consumed within 2 years from the time of harvest for best flavor. Harvest runs from October through January in Northern Hemisphere regions, and from April through July in Southern Hemisphere regions.


A beautiful and unique olive oil QUWA Koroneiki Hemp Infused EVOO is created by blending Koroneiki EVOO from Greece and 100% hemp oil from Colorado. This oil has a lovely aroma with green apple, banana, and notes of artichoke. It’s very herbaceous and packed with flavour, it is rich, creamy, and well-balanced. The flavour is green tea, fennel, culinary herbs, arugula mixed with artichoke, and juicy green apple. The finish is lingering and not overly pungent with a present black peppercorn note. The hemp blends perfectly with the base of Koroneiki, additionally, the natural tasting notes combine to create a harmonious and balanced olive oil. I’ve never had a hemp-based product before, and this was a delicious introduction. The beauty of hemp is that there are no psychoactive ingredients or THC present, it’s 100% hemp and only CBD.

Best Uses

A unique and very Mediterranean way of enjoying QUWA Koroneiki Hemp Infused EVOO, it can be enjoyed straight or used as a finishing oil. Due to the balanced and bold flavour, it’s incredibly versatile in the kitchen. Lovely as a final drizzle over a meaty fish like halibut, sablefish, or grilled chicken. Delicious tossed with a splash of lemon juice for a simple salad of radish, fresh salad greens and garden peas. Drizzle over Labane and sprinkle with Za’atar. It works well with any appetizer to mop up with crackers or fresh pita bread. Otherwise, it is lovely with feta, over green olive tapenade, tomato salsas, or any appetizer with an acidic component. Acid brings out the fruity flavours when we taste them together, making it a perfect accompaniment to this oil in a dish.

Just like olive oil, hemp can also be damaged by light, heat, and oxygen, and this oil is kept in Miron Violet glass to prevent any light from damaging the oil. With no oxidation present, it will have a great shelf life and be stable for the months ahead.

Another great use for this oil is topically. Olive has very similar properties to our natural skin oils, it absorbs quickly and leaves the skin feeling soft and supple. If a few drips land on your hands, just rub it in!

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Tasting Notes
Green tea, arugula, oregano, rosemary, arugula, mustard greens, kale, black peppercorn.
Recommended Uses
Salads, Soups, Vegetables, Meze
Packaging Notes
Nitrogen flushed violet miron glass to prevent any light or oxygen from entering the bottle during storage.

Koroneiki Hemp Infused Olive Oil Flavor Profiles


Medium Robust

Origin Country

Greece & USA

Origin State/Province



Koroneiki, Hemp

Harvest Date

November 2023



Koroneiki Hemp Infused Olive Oil



From $59.90

Koroneiki Hemp Infused Olive Oil Pairs Well With


Use with a splash of lemon or lime juice and toss with fresh greens.


Perfect to drizzle over dips and spreads to enhance almost any appetizer.


Lovely as a finishing oil over a grilled or baked fish.

About me, Emily

Olive Oil Sommelier, level 2, an expert in sensory analysis and judge at international olive oil competitions. Educated at the International Culinary Center and the National Organization of Olive Oil Tasters (O.N.A.O.O), I share transparent, authentic, quality education all about olive oil.
Emily Lycopolus Headshot Sitting on a grey couch

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