Vignoli Foods Coratina

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Polifenol Monocultivar Coratina Review

Bold and Beautiful this coratina olive oil packs a punch! It’s peppery, bitter and packed with flavour. Versatile as a robust oil for marinades, grilled meats and salads filled with bitter greens.

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Oil type : Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Certified organic olive oils use organically grown olives and meet organic production standards for their region. Extra virgin olive oil is the highest quality olive oil. By definition it must have some fruity flavor, zero defects, free fatty acid level below 0.8%, and be derived by cold extraction below 27°C ~ 80°F.

Cultivars : Coratina

There are hundreds of olive tree varieties, each with its own distinct taste and aromas.

Intensity : Robust

Intensity correlates to the amount of bitterness and/or pungency experienced when consuming an extra virgin olive oil. An olive oil with little bitterness that creates little to no sensation in the back of the throat is considered mild. A very bitter olive oil that causes a slight burning or spicy sensation in the mouth and throat is robust. We rate intensity between 5 values: Mild, Medium, Medium Robust, Robust and Extreme.

Harvest Date : October 2023

As a fresh food product, properly stored olive oil should be consumed within 2 years from the time of harvest for best flavor. Harvest runs from October through January in Northern Hemisphere regions, and from April through July in Southern Hemisphere regions.


I’m excited to share this Vignoli Foods Coratina with you. In the midst of a very challenging harvest season and year, Puglia had a good harvest. It’s so deserved, they have struggled for several years to obtain a good-quality yield. Before these more recent changes, many of the groves had been devastated by Xylella fastidiosa. This bacteria killed hundreds of ancient trees. So the reality that Puglia had a good harvest this year is a glimmer of hope for the regional producers.  There is hope ahead for future bountiful harvests too.
This Vignoli Foods Coratina is part of their polifenol line and is certified as a nutraceutical. It has more than 250mg/kg antioxidants, specifically hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and its derivatives. These are the specific antioxidants that the European Food Health Safety Authority has determined to have the greatest effect on human health. Coratina is known to have significant amounts of phenols because of this it is a pungent robust olive oil.
This example has a bold aroma of apple, with hints of grass, and artichoke. The flavour is high in intensity, with notes of radicchio, mustard greens, kale, and fresh grass, the pungency is also intense and is bright with notes of chilli pepper, cinnamon and warming spices. The bitterness lingers and leaves the mouth very dry with a puckering effect on your cheeks. This oil is not oxidized
Use with caponata, spicy pasta sauces, and a kale Caesar salad dressing. Kale chips would be delicious with this oil massaged in along with cumin and chili peppers, or used in spicy salmon tacos. Perfect with salty cheese, marinating feta or bocconcini with olives, lemon peel and fresh herbs. Pork tenderloin with peach or apple chutney would truly showcase the versatility and culinary uses of this robust Coratina.

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Tasting Notes
Green Apple, Arugula, Radicchio, Chili Peppers, Black Peppercorn
Recommended Uses
Cooking, Salads, Grilling, Soups, Vegetables, Meze
Packaging Notes
Packed in a dark green glass bottle, preserved with nitrogen and an anti-tamper pour spout.

Polifenol Monocultivar Coratina Flavor Profiles



Origin Country


Origin State/Province




Harvest Date

October 2023


Vignoli Food Anthology

Polifenol Monocultivar Coratina

Vignoli Food Anthology


From $29.00

Polifenol Monocultivar Coratina Pairs Well With

Grilled Meats

Perfectly paided with grilled pork or chicken, or drizzled over grilled salmon.

Aged Cheese

Pairs well with aged pungent cheeses, parmesan, blue cheese, or asiago.

About me, Emily

Olive Oil Sommelier, level 2, an expert in sensory analysis and judge at international olive oil competitions. Educated at the International Culinary Center and the National Organization of Olive Oil Tasters (O.N.A.O.O), I share transparent, authentic, quality education all about olive oil.
Emily Lycopolus Headshot Sitting on a grey couch

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