Di Lorenzetto Le Marche EVOO

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Le Marche Review

A regional field blend of La Marche from De Lorenzetto. An apple, artichoke and grassy aroma, similarly in the mouth, it’s immediately creamy artichoke mixed with apple. This rounds into bitter green notes of arugula, radicchio and a fully peppery capsicum finish that lingers beautifully.

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Oil type : Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Certified organic olive oils use organically grown olives and meet organic production standards for their region. Extra virgin olive oil is the highest quality olive oil. By definition it must have some fruity flavor, zero defects, free fatty acid level below 0.8%, and be derived by cold extraction below 27°C ~ 80°F.

Cultivars : Frantoio, Reggia, Leccino, Pendolino

There are hundreds of olive tree varieties, each with its own distinct taste and aromas.

Intensity : Medium

Intensity correlates to the amount of bitterness and/or pungency experienced when consuming an extra virgin olive oil. An olive oil with little bitterness that creates little to no sensation in the back of the throat is considered mild. A very bitter olive oil that causes a slight burning or spicy sensation in the mouth and throat is robust. We rate intensity between 5 values: Mild, Medium, Medium Robust, Robust and Extreme.

Harvest Date : October 2023

As a fresh food product, properly stored olive oil should be consumed within 2 years from the time of harvest for best flavor. Harvest runs from October through January in Northern Hemisphere regions, and from April through July in Southern Hemisphere regions.


A lovely field blend from La Marche, Di Lorenzetto is a delicious extra virgin olive oil from a little-known region in Italy. It’s also the region where my husband’s family farm is located, making this oil extremely special to me, and incredibly nostalgic. Di Lorenzetto is a small farm located in the hills of La Marche, not far from the Adriatic Sea. The field blend of Di Lorenzetto is mostly Frantoio and Reggia, 35% Leccino and about 5% Pendolino. All cultivars are commonly found in central Italy. Reggia is translated as Regional, a local cultivar found only in this part of the country.

Italy has the greatest biodiversity of olives and this Reggia cultivar is a great example of that. I love that there are so many examples of regional varieties like this. All the locals know and otherwise, name it the local/regional olive.

The blend of flavours in this oil is delightful. The aroma is fruity and nutty with notes of green apple, fresh grass, artichoke and green almond. However, in the mouth, it’s immediately creamy artichoke mixed with apple. This rounds into bitter green notes of arugula, radicchio and a fully peppery capsicum finish that lingers beautifully. It is more pungent than bitter with a lingering pungency rounding out the final flavours. This a very well-balanced and harmonious oil.

Perfect to drizzle over cheese, or salads with cheese, like Caprese. Pouring over fresh tomatoes and peaches with burrata or a curry apple salad. It is perfect for use with pasta as well, drizzle over hot Pomodoro pasta, or mashed with basil and parmesan to make pesto. Otherwise, it’s delicious layered through risotto and starchy dishes, it’s equally delicious with seafood and shellfish.

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Tasting Notes
Apple, Artichoke, Grass, Arugula, Raddichio, Green Peppercorn, Black Pepper
Recommended Uses
Cooking, Baking, Salads, Soups, Vegetables, Meze
Packaging Notes
Packed in a tin flushed with nitrogen to ensure proper storage without light and oxygen.

Le Marche Flavor Profiles



Origin Country


Origin State/Province



Frantoio, Reggia, Leccino, Pendolino

Harvest Date

October 2023


Di Lorenzetto

Le Marche

Di Lorenzetto


From $13.95

Le Marche Pairs Well With


Perfect drizzled over a bowl of steaming pasta, whisked into Carbonara or used to make pesto.


Toss with fresh garden greens to show case the oils beautiful flavor and enhance a salad


Delicious paired with pecorino romano, sheep cheese or insalata ricotta.

About me, Emily

Olive Oil Sommelier, level 2, an expert in sensory analysis and judge at international olive oil competitions. Educated at the International Culinary Center and the National Organization of Olive Oil Tasters (O.N.A.O.O), I share transparent, authentic, quality education all about olive oil.
Emily Lycopolus Headshot Sitting on a grey couch

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